Original content
ADI only accepts unpublished research works in Spanish, English, Galician or Portuguese. Exceptionally, also the first versions in Spanish of works originally published in different languages can be published. Authors commit to respect the intellectual property right regulation and the works submission to ADI for its publication means the submission to the Journal ethic code.
Originals reception and acceptance date
Before December 15 of each year the intention of sending a work, together with a provisional title, should be notified to the Journal email (actasderechoindustrial@uvigo.es). But for very exceptional cases, the publication in the same issue of various works on close subjects by the same author will not be admitted. The original works must be handed in the email (actasderechoindustrial@uvigo.es) before March 30, every year.
Edition and publication rights
The edition and publication rights, in any medium, of the accepted and published works, correspond to ADI. Collaborations in ADI are not paid, neither the published works nor the work of the external evaluators.