- Current competition concerns on the vertical integration within the distribution of hydrocarbons
Patricia Benavides Velasco - Liner shipping anti-competitive agreements
Fernando Cachafeiro García - When a member of a cartel is a robot. Collusion in digital markets through prizing algorithms
Antonio Robles Martín-Laborda - Knowledge process outsourcing agreements in accordance with competition law
Rodrigo Ramírez Herrera - Commercial solicitations by remote media under the Spanish unfair competition act perspective
Pablo Fernández Carballo-Calero - Criminal protection of trade secrets: current perspectives and projections for the customers lists
Marta García Mosquera - Information duties in advertising, deception by omission and integrity of advertising campaign
Anxo Tato Plaza - The European Union certification mark
Carlos Lema Devesa - About the legal nature of the state favourable declaration of the recognition of APDO/PGI
Ángel Martínez Gutiérrez - Distinctive signs of quality for non-agricultural products
Pilar Montero García-Noblejas - Brexit impact in the internal market: special reference to Brexit and some of its effects in intellectual property rights. Towards a European Union refoundation?
Eva M. Domínguez Pérez - Orphan works within the intellectual property law and statutory use
Raquel de Román Pérez - Originality on Copyright, a photography point of view
Antonio F. Galacho Abolafio - Action for damages in the event of intellectual property rights’ infringement
Nieves Moralejo Imbernón
Chronicle and brief doctrine
- Spanish national markets and competition commissions’ activity in 2017
María Álvarez San José - The new «cartel» concept and its implications in the antitrust Law
Fernando de la Vega García - Access to sources of evidence in the new legal action to claim remedies arising out of infringements of competition law
Christian Herrera Petrus - Questions of competition in the marking of agro-food products
Trinidad Vázquez Ruano
Comments in jurisprudence
- Sharing transport: Electronic commerce or unfair competition? (Analysis of the case Elite taxi V. Uber systems Spain, S.L.)
Lourdes Moreno Liso - The person skilled in the art in the evaluation of the inventive step [Comment on the decision of the Supreme Court (Civil chamber, Section 1) of October, 2nd 2017]
Luz Sánchez García - Recent assessments in the Spanish case law about the use of trade marks as keywords on Internet Search Engines [Comment of the Spanish Supreme Court Judgement (Civil Chamber, first Section) of 15 February 2017 (Orona case)]
Luis Alberto Marco Arcalá - Clouds in the “cloud”. Commentary to the SITJUE of November 29, 2017, case C-265/16 (VCAST Limited v. RTI SPA)
Fernando Carbajo Cascón and Vanessa Jiménez Serranía