Works length
Part I, 30 pages maximum, notes included; Part II, 20 pages; Part III, 20 pages, and Part IV, 8 pages. The total number of pages include the abstract and summary in Spanish and English and the final bibliography.

Title, abstract, key words and summary
Works included in ADI’s sections I, II and III must include a title, an abstract (with a maximum length of 15 lines), keywords (at least three) and a summary. All of these in the original written language and in English. If the work is written in English, the previous section should be written in Spanish.

Authors membership
At least, the author’s professional qualification (Dr. Professor, Lawyer, Judge, etc.), and the name of the institution where the author works, as well as an address and an email. In order to ensure the author’s opinions and contents transparency and adequate contextualisation, it is compulsory to show in the article the —public or private— finance support sources in which the author relied for the drafting of the research work. This information should be included as a footnote with the symbol (*) after the name of the authors at the beginning of each work.

Technical standards for the works submission
Works must be submitted in a computer file in Word or equivalent, along the following lines: —Font: Times New Roman; —Size: 12 (footnotes 10); —Sheet DIN A-4; — Spacing: 1,5 (footnotes simple); —Margins; 3-3-3-3. The headings and sub-heading in the work will be shown in bold and along the following form: I.; 1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1.; A). Works from part IV will not include headings.

Bibliographic references drafting
In Sections I, II and III the bibliographic citations must be footnotes. In Section IV the citations will be within the text and complete. Only collaborations in Sections I, II and III will have a last epigraph, which will be part of the summary, with a list of the literature cited. This list only includes doctrine work; therefore, no jurisprudence or public or private institution published works will be included, as they will only appear as a footnote.

The abbreviations found in ADI index must be used. To quote the jurisprudence, it is recommended to use the European Case Law Identifier (ECLI).
The footnotes, including the first quote, will be done this way: Author’s first surname or surnames (in capital letters), publishing year (in parentheses) and the page quoted.
For example: FERNÁNDEZ-NÓVOA (2014), páx. 50.
The final section of the Bibliography must contain the complete reference of the works quoted in the footnote, in accordance with the following parameters:

  1. Monographs: Authors surname (in capital letters), full name, publishing year (in parentheses), work title (in italics), editorial and place of publication.
    For example: FERNÁNDEZ-NÓVOA, Carlos (2014), Estudos sobre a protección da marca renombrada, Marcial Pons, Madrid.
  2. Book chapters or collective work parts: Authors surnames (in capital letters), full name, publishing year (in parentheses), chapter title (in quotation marks), adding afterwards in AAVV or, alternatively, the director’s, editor’s, or coordinator’s first surname or the surnames and names, book’s or collective work name (in italics), editorial, place of publication and initial and final page of the chapter.
    For example, BOTANA AGRA, Manuel (2013), «En torno ao Tratado da OMPI sobre a protección das interpretacións e execucións audiovisuais (Tratado de Beijing)», in Tobío Rivas, A.M.ª; Fernández-Albor Baltar, A., e Tato Praza, A. (eds.), Estudos de Dereito Mercantil. Commemorative volume to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. José Antonio Gómez Segade, Marcial Pons, Madrid, páxs. 595-606.
  3. Journal article: Authors surnames (in capital letters), full name, publishing year (in parentheses), work title (in quotation marks), journal abbreviation (in italics) if it can be found in ADI index (if not, the full name in italics), issue (if there was) and initial and final page of the article.
    For example: GÓMEZ SEGADE, José Antonio (2014), «Cara a unha nova Lei de Patentes española», ADI 34 (2013-2014), páxs. 337-356.

If the same author has published more than one work in the same publishing year, the quotation will be distinguished adding A, B, C,…, to the year both in the footnote and in the quoted bibliography list.

Non-compliance of the instructions by the authors
Original works which not complaint these instructions will be sent back to authors for them to perform the corresponding modifications or additions. If this are not effected in the given dates, the work will not be published. In any case, the In any case, the director reserves the right to make the appropriate corrections directly to comply with the instructions when, in specific cases, it considers the work publication to be a priority due to its contest interest and value, apart from formal defects.