
  • Commercialization of products of plant varieties with the holder’s plant variety rights trademark and antitrust law
    Fernando de la Vega García
  • Competition promotion and advocacy by Spanish competition authorities: prevention and reaction against unjustified restraints of competition
    Francisco Marcos
  • Interest in Competition Law Damage Claims
    Carmen Rodilla Martí
  • The best operating and contractual practices in European University Patent and us Licensing: a point of convergence between two models
    Claudia del Re
  • Patents in the new free trade agreement between Mexico, USA and Canada 2018 (T-MEC/USMCA/NAFTA 2)
    Horacio Rangel Ortiz
  • Protection of the PDOS/PGIS and consumer information in the European Union: Open conflict
    Ángel Martínez Gutiérrez
  • Protection of trademark rights with regard to goods in transit into the European Union. The new article 35.4 of Spanish trademark Law
    M.ª Mercedes Curto Polo
  • Transmedia, fanfiction, contracts and copyright
    Isabel Espín Alba
  • The use of artificial intelligence in text and data mining: an analysis from the copyright
    Jorge Luis Ordelin Font
  • Exemption from liability for direct infringement under the directive on copyright in the digital single market
    Miquel Peguera
  • Functional designs and copyright
    Aurea Suñol

Chronicle and brief doctrine

  • Spanish national markets and competition commissions’ activity in 2018
    María Álvarez San José
  • Online advertising restrains in selective distribution agreements
    M.ª Teresa Otero Cobos
  • Collusion and other restrictive practices carried out through blockchains: Do we need new legal solutions?
    Zofia Bednarz
  • Advertising through “influencers” or leaders of opinion in social networks
    Altea Asensi Merás
  • New Amendments of the Spanish Trade Marks Act (Brief comment on the Royal Decree-Law 23/2018, of December 21st, implementing Directives on Trade Marks, railway transportation and package travel)
    Luis Alberto Marco Arcalá

Comments in jurisprudence

  • Special problematic of the genetic edition in plants [Comment on the decision of the European Union Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) 25th Julio 2018] (C‑528/16)
    Pilar Iñiguez Ortega
  • Law protection of a product’s flavour: Is copyright law the optimal way to protect product’s flavour? New approach through non-conventional trademarks
    Eva M. Domínguez Pérez
  • Regulación jurídica de las bases de datos: recientes desarrollos jurisprudenciales
    María de los Reyes Corripio Gil Delgado
  • The sting: the request for the determination of tariffs for public communication of phonograms in Spain [Comment to the Resolution of the First Section of the Intellectual Property Commission of September 20, 2018 (Case «AGEDI/AIE»)]
    Antonio Maudes Gutiérrez
  • A «flavour» could be protected by Copyright (Comment to the judgement of the European Union Court of Justice of 13th of November 2018)
    Santiago Robert Guillén
  • Spanish Constitution and judicial specialization by concentration in industrial property litigation (objective jurisdiction of the commercial courts and agreements of the general counsel of the judiciary)
    Luis Andrés Cucarella Galiana



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