
  • Actions for damages for infringements of competition law: joint liability and limitation periods
    Jaume Martí Miravalls
  • Obstacles to digital single market and restrictions on competition concerning goods e-commerce
    Vanessa Martí Moya
  • Liability for damages for infringements of the Competition Law: Transposition Directive 2014/104/UE
    Ana María Tobío Rivas
  • The argentine guidelines for the examination of chemical and pharmaceutical patent applications. Long-term effects on inventive activity and compliance with the trips agreement
    Vincenzo Di Cataldo
  • Rethinking the patent system from the institutional and governance dimension
    Ernesto Guevara Fernández
  • The public interest on health as a reason for the use of compulsory licensing in the Andean community
    Diego Francoise Ortega Sanabria
  • Considerações sobre a novidade e a atividade inventiva nos modelos de utilidade (em especial, à luz do cpi português)
    Vítor Palmela Fidalgo
  • The general interest of consumers in trademark law of Andean community: analysis of resolutions
    Luis Gonzalo Ramírez Ramírez
  • Trade mark law and 3D printing uses
    Concepción Saiz García
  • Legal regime applicable to fashion designs in Peru
    Olga Alejandra Alcántara-Francia
  • Notice and takedown procedure concerning online copyright infringements: in defence of a code of best practices
    José Juan Castelló Pastor
  • The «prestaciones»: new object concerning the conducts punished in copyright crimes after the reform of criminal law by organic law 1/2015
    Luis Rodríguez Moro
  • Author’s moral rights, EU Y CB
    Luigi Carlo Ubertazzi

Chronicle and brief doctrine

  • Spanish national markets and competition commissions activity in 2016
    María Álvarez San José and Araceli Gutiérrez
  • Territoriality principle and patent lay in light of the unitary patent (a procedural law perspective)
    María Aránzazu Gandía Sellens
  • A new draft of the explanatory notes on essentially derived varieties
    Benjamín Saldaña Villoldo
  • The European Union in view of the phenomenon of online audio-visual content (Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Spotify): Analysis of the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Ensuring the Crossborder Portability of Online Content Services in the internal Market
    Loreto Corridor
  • The musical manager as an intermediary of artistic performance: notes for a controversy
    Jorge Luis Ordelin Font
  • Impressão 3D e direitos de autor
    Maria Victoria Rocha

Comments in jurisprudence

  • European patent on sustained-release formulations annulment due to lack of inventive step
    David Peral Cerdá
  • The possibility of defence of the non-registered licensee against violations of the licensed design
    Sara Louredo Casado
  • Once again about technical functionality as ground of refusal and validity of three-dimensional trademarks
    Luis Alberto Marco Arcalá
  • Collective works, authorship and action to review unfair remuneration: on the Supreme Court decision of 5/5/2016
    José Manuel Ventura Ventura



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