ADI 41 (2020-2021)


  • Effects of the European Commission’s commitment decisions for national jurisdictions
    Patricia Benavides Velasco
  • Legal management of intellectual property rights in public procurement of innovation: An overview
    Pedro José Bueso Guillén
  • The transferability of the trade secrets
    Julio Costas Comesaña
  • Intellectual property rights, artificial intelligence and big data: future perspectives
    Pilar Íñiguez Ortega
  • The online supply of digital content at the intersection between copyright and consumer law
    Susana Navas Navarro
  • The European Commission and the reform of designs
    José Manuel Otero Lastres
  • Copyright protection of works generated by artificial intelligence in the European copyright law: between indirect and tailored protection
    Vítor Palmela Fidalgo, Diogo Antunes
  • The protection of data as a trade secret in the age of artificial intelligence
    Aurea Suñol Lucea

Chronicle and brief doctrine

  • Avaliações e recomendações de consumidores: as novas práticas comerciais desleais introduzidas pela Diretiva (UE) 2019/2161
    Ana Clara Azevedo de Amorim
  • The conflict between trademarks and denominations for plant variety: Absolute ground for refusal or registering a trademark as a plant variety denomination
    Altea Asensi Merás
  • Ex-post corrective mechanism within the patent system: post issuance review, third parties participatory schemes and contracts and technology & knowledge transfer
    Elizabeth Bausa Caballero, Ernesto Guevara Fernández
  • Utility models: Evolution and vicissitudes of the legal regime of the Portuguese utility model and its relationships to patents
    María Antonieta Gálvez Krüger
  • On the indications of the geographical origin of olive oils used as ingredients of other foods
    Angel Martínez Gutiérrez
  • The influencer as an audio-visual media
    Mª Teresa Otero Cobos
  • Patents in the Mexity City protocol of amendment (2019) to the free trade agreement between Mexico, the USA and Canada (Buenos Aires, 2018)
    Horacio Rangel Ortiz
  • Questions regarding competition after the new regulation of the food chain
    Trinidad Vázquez Ruano

Comments in jurisprudence

  • Patent protection field, nullity and infringement of the parent through imitation: the Judgement of the n. 5 Barcelona Commercial Court, Patent Section, 19th January 2021
    Eva María Domínguez Pérez
  • When the aim is to protect an idea or a business model [Comment on the Judgement of the AP of Barcelona (Section 15) num. 280/2017, of June 29, Case Asco de Vida
    José Luis González San Juan
  • Recent assessments about offensive signs which are contrary to accepted principles of morality in the recent case of ECJ: [Comment on the Sentence C-240/18 P of the CJEU (Fifth Chamber) , Constantin Film Produktion GmbH v. EUIPO, February 27 2020 (case Fack Ju Göhte)]
    Luis Alberto Marco Arcalá
  • O pedido de registo apresentado pelo agente ou representante do titular da marca: Comentário ao acórdão do TJUE (Quinta Secção), de 11 de novembro de 2020, proferido no proc. C-809/18 P
    María Miguel Carvalho
  • The transformation of a derivative work through the creation of an audiovisual spin-off: [Commentary on the Judgement of the Provincial Court of Madrid (28th section) of October 19, 2020]
    Rafael Sánchez Aristi, Nora Oyarzabal Oyonarte



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